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‘Curvy’ mermaid statue in village sparks outrage for being ‘too ugly and vulgar’ — Mirror del 29 aprile 2023

‘Curvy’ mermaid statue in village sparks outrage for being ‘too ugly and vulgar’

The curvy statue of a mermaid in the square of a fishing village has been criticised for being “very vulgar”.

Students at the Luigi Rossi art school in Monopoli in Puglia, Italy created the statue before it was placed in a town square.

It has since been ridiculed on social media as many say they are “perplexed” by its design.

One wrote on Facebook: “Very ugly and vulgar, seeing that the only known little mermaid (Amsterdam) doesn’t have hair but only the fin – It’s a shame it could have been more graceful.”

Another wrote:” A sickening image of a woman.”

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